Package freemarker.doc

Contains all the components needed to build the FM-Classic manual.


Class Summary
ContentEntry Encapsulates a single table-of-contents entry in the FreeMarker manual.
ContentList Implements a list of table-of-contents entries.
ContentsBuilder SAX content handler that builds a ContentList.
Manual Creates the FM-Classic manual.
TabItem A simple class representing a single tab in the web site's table of contents frame navigation.
WebSite Creates the FM-Classic web site navigation bars.

Package freemarker.doc Description

Contains all the components needed to build the FM-Classic manual.

To build the manual, you'll need:

To build the manual using Ant, you'll need to set up the build.xml file to point to the location of the above JAR files. You'll also need to modify the file to point to the root directory of your FM-Classic installation. Once this is done, simply run Ant on the "manual" target. If all goes well, the FM-Classic manual will be generated.

To build the manual without Ant, you'll first need to compile the freemarker.doc package. Make sure all the JAR files above are in your classpath. Once this is done, alter the file to point to the root directory of your FM-Classic installation. Next you'll need to create the directories "docs/manual", if they aren't already present under the root directory of your FM-Classic installation. Now, copy all the files under "src/freemarker/doc/misc" to "docs/manual". Finally, you're ready to build the manual. From a command prompt, change into the FM-Classic src directory and enter:

java freemarker.doc.Manual

If all goes well, the FM-Classic manual will now be built.