
FM-Classic Core
freemarker.template Allows Java servlets and applications to generate HTML or other text-based pages based on templates, so that graphic design can be kept separate from application logic.
freemarker.template.cache The mechanics of Template caching are implemented in this package.
freemarker.template.compiler The mechanics of compiling Templates are implemented in this package.
freemarker.template.expression The mechanics of FM-Classic expressions are implemented in this package.
freemarker.template.instruction The compiled versions of FM-Classic instructions are implemented in this package.


FM-Classic Extensions
freemarker.ext.ant Allows FM-Classic to be used as an Ant task to generate documentation from XML files.
freemarker.ext.beans Provides various model implementations for FM-Classic: reflection models and resource bundle models.
freemarker.ext.beans2 Provides a reflection engine for FM-Classic.
freemarker.ext.format Provides simple access to some of the main formatter classes in the java.text package: DecimalFormat, MessageFormat, and SimpleDateFormat.
freemarker.ext.jdom Provides adapter for JDOM including support for writing XML fragments, listing nodes, traversal, copying, and filtering, and a full XPath support.
freemarker.ext.jsp A simple JSP tag library to allow FM-Classic templates to be used within JSPs.
freemarker.ext.misc Utility classes that may be used to customise aspects of FM-Classic.
freemarker.ext.servlet Provides a generic purpose servlet that generates dynamic response using FM-Classic.
freemarker.ext.util Utility classes that are independent of the FM-Classic package.


FM-Classic Engine
freemarker.engine The engine package provides convenient access to all of the FM-Classic capabilities.


freemarker.doc Contains all the components needed to build the FM-Classic manual.