Class Summary | |
AsNumber | Performs a type conversion from a String model to a number model. |
AsString | Performs a type conversion from a number model to a String model. |
CollectionSize | Determines the size of the underlying Collection or
Map object given a TemplateObjectModel . |
CompressLines | A transform model that strips trailing whitespace from every line, and reduces consecutive blank lines to a single blank line. |
CompressWhitespace | A transform model that compresses each occurrence of consecutive whitespace down to a single space character. |
Execute | Gives FM-Classic the the ability to execute external commands. |
ExtendedHash | Simple extension to the SimpleHash implementation. |
ExtendedIterator | Iterator for the ExtendedList class. |
ExtendedList | Simple extension to the SimpleList implementation. |
FilterList | |
FilterTransform | |
FreeMarkerToHtml | A FM-Classic transformer that performs syntax colouring of FM-Classic source files, and outputs the results in HTML. |
HashKeys | Determines the keyset of the underlying Map object given a
TemplateObjectModel . |
HashValues | Determines the values of the underlying Map object given a
TemplateObjectModel . |
HtmlEscape | Performs an HTML escape of a given template fragment. |
HtmlFormattedExceptionListener | Exception listener that improves reporting for compile errors. |
IsEmpty | Determines whether a given model is either null or returns
an isEmpty() call as true . |
IsHash | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateHashModel . |
IsIndexed | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateListModel or TemplateIndexedModel . |
IsList | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateListModel or TemplateListModel2 . |
IsMethod | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateMethodModel or TemplateMethodModel2 . |
IsNumber | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateNumberModel . |
IsScalar | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateScalarModel . |
IsTransform | Determines whether a given model is an instance of a
TemplateTransformModel or TemplateTransformModel2 . |
JavaLoggingExceptionListener | Adapts FM-Classic's exception events to the java.util.logging
logging methods. |
JavaToHtml | A FM-Classic transformer that performs syntax colouring of Java source files, and outputs the results in HTML. |
Join | Replicates the standard Perl join function. |
LegacyCompress | A re-implementation of the <compress> template instruction as a
TemplateTransformModel . |
LiveMapList | Behaves the same way as MapList, but results are returned "live", that is, evaluated on the fly. |
Log4jExceptionListener | Adapts FM-Classic's exception events to Log4j's logging methods. |
MapList | |
MapTransform | |
Match | A method model that implements the Perl 5 match function. |
Methods | A simple hash model that provides access to all the non-deprecated method models in this package. |
NormalizeNewlines | Transformer that supports FreeMarker legacy behaviour: all newlines appearing within the transformed area will be transformed into the platform's default newline. |
Perl5Substitute | Perform Perl 5 substitutions using the Jakarta ORO regular expression library. |
Perl5Translate | Perform Perl 5 translation using the JTR library. |
Pipeline | A class for chaining multiple transformations into a single model without having to nest <transform> tags. |
ReduceList | |
ReduceTransform | |
RemoveBlankLines | A transform model that removes all blank lines. |
Split | A method model that implements the Perl 5 split function. |
Substitute | A method model that implements the Perl 5 substitute function. |
TransformPipeline | A pipeline of transform models that is itself a transform model. |
Transforms | A simple hash model that provides access to all the non-deprecated transform models in this package. |
Translate | A method model that implements the Perl 5 translate function. |
WriterExceptionListener | Adapts FM-Classic's exception events to an IO Writer class. |
XmlEscape | Performs an XML escape of a given template fragment. |
Utility classes that may be used to customise aspects of FM-Classic. These utilities are packaged in the freemarker-ext.jar file.