Package freemarker.template.cache

The mechanics of Template caching are implemented in this package.


Interface Summary
Cache An interface for self-updating caches consisting of any single type of object.
Cacheable Abstracts information relating to the caching of a particular object.
CacheRetriever Interface for retrieving objects to be stored in a Cache.
CacheRetrieverFactory<T extends CacheRetriever,P extends CacheRetrieverParameters> Interface for creating CacheRetriever implementations.
CacheRetrieverParameters Marker interface for parameters supplied to a CacheRetrieverFactory.
CachingStrategy Interface for a cache loading strategy.
CachingStrategyFactory<T extends CachingStrategy> Interface for creating CachingStrategy implementations.
RegistryAccepter Interface to allow a TemplateRegistry to be set.
Updateable An interface for objects that need to be reminded to update themselves from time to time.

Class Summary
BaseCachingStrategy Base class for implementing common elements of the caching strategies included with FM-Classic.
CacheElement Represent a single entry in the cache.
CacheEventAdapter Adapter class responsible for firing cache events.
FileRetriever Retrieves cacheable objects through the file system.
FileRetrieverFactory Factory class for creating FileRetriever classes using the given parameter class.
FileRetrieverParameters Parameter class for creating new FileRetriever objects.
LoadAdHocCachingStrategy Implements a load-ad-hoc caching strategy.
LoadAdHocCachingStrategyFactory Factory class for creating LoadAdHocCachingStrategy objects.
LoadOnDemandCachingStrategy Implements a load-on-demand caching strategy.
LoadOnDemandCachingStrategyFactory Factory class for creating LoadOnDemandCachingStrategy objects.
LocalizedFileRetriever Retrieves cacheable objects through the file system.
LocalizedFileRetrieverFactory Factory class for creating LocalizedFileRetrieverFactory classes using the given parameter class.
LoDWithRefreshCachingStrategy Implements a load-on-demand caching strategy with periodic refreshes.
LoDWithRefreshCachingStrategyFactory Factory class for creating LoDWithRefreshCachingStrategy objects.
NullCachingStrategy Implements the most simple caching strategy possible: a null cache.
NullCachingStrategyFactory Factory class for creating NullCachingStrategy objects.
PreloadCachingStrategy Implements a preload caching strategy.
PreloadCachingStrategyFactory Factory class for creating PreloadCachingStrategy objects.
StrategyParameters Parameter class for creating new CachingStrategy objects.
TemplateRegistry Stores a register of prototype templates, which can be retrieved by the template cache whenever it needs to compile a template.
UpdateTimer A timer for objects that implement Updateable.

Package freemarker.template.cache Description

The mechanics of Template caching are implemented in this package. Normally it is sufficient to use the FileTemplateCache implementation. Custom caching strategies or template retrievers can be based on the interfaces in this package.
